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Whither Hence?

Where and How from Here and Now to Then and There?

CASH-COW by MR FISH (Dwayne Booth), January 2019; used by permission

Where do we go from the here and now of the 21st century truth and reality of Mass Extinction Level Events on Earth - Round 6 (‘MELEE-R6’)? How do we get there and what awaits us then? 

Well, let's ask those who brought us to where we are here and now in MELEE-R6 just where they're planning to take us next and how we’ll get there and then.

This is from the World Economic Forum's website, setting the stage, script, and agenda for their Golden (50th) Anniversary annual 2020 confab gathering in Davos, Switzerland this month, where they're apparently charting our course from here and now at the dawn of the new decade into the future beyond it in the chaotic nevermore yonder there and then:

What kind of capitalism do we want? That may be the defining question of our era. If we want to sustain our economic system for future generations, we must answer it correctly.

Generally speaking, we have three models to choose from. The first is “shareholder capitalism,” embraced by most Western corporations, which holds that a corporation’s primary goal should be to maximize its profits. The second model is “state capitalism,” which entrusts the government with setting the direction of the economy, and has risen to prominence in many emerging markets, not least China.

The solution, according to World Economic Forum Founder and Executive Chairman Klaus Schwab's "Davos Manifesto 2020: The Universal Purpose of a Company in the Fourth Industrial Revolution," is "a new form of capitalism:"

* 'Stakeholder capitalism' is gaining momentum, in part thanks to the 'Greta Thunberg effect'
* It offers the best opportunity to tackle today's environmental and social challenges
* The World Economic Forum is launching a new '
Davos Manifesto'

What? Did anyone seriously suppose capitalism itself would be identified as a MELEE-R6 root cause and eliminated?

Try as we might, we can't even begin to make this shit up. Only the ultra-elite 1% fascist capitalist cabal living large in their hyper-bubble buffers of delusional dissonance could cook up, eat, digest, and believe this sign-blinding fantasia. But I seriously doubt it's fantasy at all, actually. More likely, it's just their 2020 re-purposed version of the same permanent lie smokescreen that's been around at least since the USAmerican McCarthy Era of the 1950s (for an explanation of this fatal fallacy, see my blog post "Making Ends Meet").  

And the "Greta Thunberg effect?" Clear as horseshit: 

The young Swedish climate activist has reminded us that adherence to the current economic system represents a betrayal of future generations, owing to its environmental unsustainability. Another (related) reason is that millennials and Generation Z no longer want to work for, invest in, or buy from companies that lack values beyond maximizing shareholder value. And, finally, executives and investors have started to recognize that their own long-term success is closely linked to that of their customers, employees, and suppliers.


Personally, I couldn't care less what -ism they use to brand the new-old unworld disorder. I just wish the naked global fascism of that wealth and power cabal and their praetorian rule and control corporatocracy -- all dressed up in their six-figure capitalist costumes and corporatist clone bespoke uniforms and SWAT arms and armor -- would just leave the planet and never return.  

Prof. Schwab invokes the blathering bromide of his "Fourth Industrial Revolution" (his 2016 book of  that title) capitalist liturgy to bolster this "stakeholder capitalism" apologetic that is utterly devoid of even an implicit iota of apology or repentance. 

Where are we going from here? IMCCO, over the event horizon and into the black hole abyss of mass extinction we've been riding the global juggernaut of those four cycles of industrial revolution toward for the past four centuries, full speed ahead and damn the apocalypse!

As an advocate of Prof. Jem Bendell’s Deep Adaptation movement, am I capable of somehow summoning the love, compassion, and forgiveness inherent in Bendell’s “4Rs” (Resilience, Relinquishment, Restoration, and Reconciliation) to swallow this permanent lie despite knowing it for the insidious death-trap it is and who is pandemically spreading it?

If I can just manage to get my teeth, fists, and scowl unclenched I'll give it the old college try. But what I know in my sentient and sapient head is one thing ... what I must do in my heart, soul, mind, and spirit is an altogether different matter. For me, so far and still, I'm afraid it's several quantum leaps from the former to the latter. How about you?