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XR: The One Event

ILLEGAL EAGLE ©Mr Fish (used by permission) — honoring Julian Assange

In the image, let Assange represent all humankind, and the eagle pandemic global tyranny, specifically as spread in the form of unfettered USAmerican capitalism. Let the Wikileaks logo represent all truth and reality as we ought to know it but really don’t.

Humanity is inextricably integrated into a single event: the sixth mass extinction in world history. Humans are the apex predators (as the dinosaurs were before us) and the root cause of the event. This time, it is the Anthropocene extinction (AX) – we are murdering ourselves by our own being and presence on Earth.

Extinction Rebellion (XR) is also an event of human oneness, but it is disparaged, discounted, and eschewed by the vast majority of humans despite evidence beyond scientific dispute. So the strength of its unity is culturally marginal and socially suspect at least, and reasonably debatable in the best cases. In the worse and worst tragic cases, the XR One Event is under elitist oligarchic corporatocracy suppression and tyranny – everyone is, but few know it as well or see it as clearly as XR humans. Truth be told, we know the AX reality we’re in from marrow to mind, but the dissonance of the police state engineering of our cognitive senses of our own being and presence destroys the bridge across that gap. XR humans are the spark of absolute truth in the black hole 21st human reality. Today, cognitive propaganda intercedes between our actual presence in reality from one zeptojiffy to the next, on one hand,  physically beneath any fully cognitive awareness of that presence. At the same time, on the other hand, the neural networks of our mental being in that presence are preconfigured to present a bespoke custom-engineered comprehension of (what we take to be absolute truth and genuine reality).

We no longer think before we experience, believe, know, and understand. As long as the brain states and mind maps match, with the predetermined ideological context as the paradigm, the controlling paradigm is modified to reject conflicting perception, correct mental sense and reason, and download the changes. This all occurs in an indiscernible corpus callosal sequence of zeptojiffies between causal reality utterly regardless of our presence and being and what we are neurally programmed and semiotically engineered to believe as truth and accept as reality.

We are to be and to do as we’re told, while being deluded into believing we are freely choosing to be and do as we are. We are not. Who we are and what we do are propaganda-defined  from one breath to the next and the very last thing we are engineered to consider – much less accept -- is causal truth and reality. Causal reality is little, however, concerned with that human disposition to think for and of oneself and others. Under ordinary circumstances it set us free to exercise that free will without restraint – at least within the universal and probabilistic constraints of the causal laws themselves, of course.

And there’s the catch. Our own being and presence on Earth through four cycles of industrial revolution and oligarchic corporate rule have abused the efficacy of causal reality. What, do we suppose they don’t apply? What, me worry? News flash: humanity is not the apex predator on Earth or in the cosmos. Causal reality is. We stand no chance whatsoever of survival as a species on Earth to precisely the extent that we’re willing to defy, misapply, and ignore those laws and their ruthless efficacy. Here we stand, globally enthralled into an en masses suicide pact, as we sleepwalk into catastrophe we’ve inflicted upon ourselves.

There we will fall and die defeated and destroyed by truth and reality we continue to disavow or ignore. The is only one chance remaining. Ultimately there is only One XR Event, not many. its core, it is an unstoppable and unstopping rise of truth and reality as one human outcry. If human history doesn’t record the XR One Event becoming the XR Won Event -- much sooner than later! -- we are damned and doomed.

And we will have fucking well deserved and earned it. The guillotine AX is already falling and our species as one being and presence are in the block. Anyone who thinks we’re not guilty or undeserving beyond reasonable doubt will see their children or grandchildren dying faster than the bodies can be burned and buried.

So it will be for all of us. As the One that was but will be no more.